Monday, 28 April 2014

Creating A Personal Website For Your Finance Recruiting Efforts

Recently, I have noticed an increasing trend of people creating a website for their resume. I was thus wondering if I should do the same seeing as to how I plan to get into equity research for my first job and I really need a differentiating factor against competitors who desire to get into the different investment banks. After reading many different articles, I came to the conclusion that having a website to enhance your resume is actually a good plus to your recruiting efforts if done in the right way.

Therefore, I have decided to create a personal resume website soon, after my venture capital internship. I also plan to start publishing research reports at my resume website. However, I will not be disclosing the personal resume page live on this blog as I want to be free from scrutiny. After my media appearance last year, I have decided to focus on my own personal development first before further communicating my dreams to people.

There are a few things I need to fix first before creating my website and that includes:
  • Getting in shape, losing at least 5 to 7kg
  • Continue to read up on investment books
  • Write a lot more for this blog and polish up my writing skills so that when I do create the personal resume website, it is going to look presentable and good
  • Get into the CFA society for student members
With that said, I foresee many busy days ahead juggling even more commitments aside from work and studies. 


  1. why do you need to lose 5 to 7 kg? I don't see how it can enhance your job search.

    SG Wealth Builder

    1. Its completely unrelated, I am just vain haha. I want to put my best face forward.
