Thursday, 8 January 2015

First Offer On The Table

I have officially gotten my first offer from a tech company. The interview was relatively smooth as the industry is one that I am fairly familiar with, even more than the financial industry. I am going to go for more interviews and build up my interview skills as well as hone my experiences. I believe that I need to speak with as many people as possible at this stage of my life, more for learning purposes rather than for deciding what I want to do, as I have a fairly good idea by now.

With that said, the offer can also be used as leverage for future interviews. I have not really given any acceptance and the team has not really asked me to finalize any process. It was more of a soft agreement and asking me to email them before they send me the term sheet for my internship at a later date so that there will be more concrete details on what is the exact job description.

My recruiting efforts are not finished yet. I am actually waiting for a couple of big names in the tech world to open up before proceeding with the next part of the application. I am also looking at certain asset management firms and trying to learn as much as possible about valuation methods and skills like VBA and Macro before going for future interviews.

With that said, this is an interesting time and I am waiting to see how far I can go in the next one and a half year before my official "First Job".

1 comment:

  1. Time is on your side, so take your time to search. You are playing it exactly right.
